2022 年是宏信建发品牌计划 IPO 的关键之年,我们有幸参与其官网及事业部网站群的改版及重构,以满足上市公司的品牌宣发及全新形象的要求(项目进行中)
The Layo is a brand which is expertise on the home furnitures in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Their products are selling well aboard and domestic. The campaign is all about re-design the website and be the best for the foreign customers
樱花卫厨是中国最大的厨卫电器品牌之一,总部及工厂坐落在江苏省昆山市。本案中我们协助樱花卫厨为其 20 多款产品进行 3D 建模及 AR 呈现开发,用于其天猫旗舰店展示